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What are the Timed Switches for?

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 11:36 am
by R!C0
There are 2 timers, both up counting Time Switch Count and Time Switch B Count.

They generate 2 switches each: Swt Timed 2A 19, Swt Timed 1A 20, and Swt Timed 1B 22, Swt Timed 2B 23.

The important difference between switches is that the 1st set become active after a user specified time, whilst the B switches are active immediately and turn off after a user specified time.

So Time Switch Count is a delayed On timer and Time Switch B Count is a delayed Off timer.

The Time Switch counter can be used to produce two switches from one momentary switch. The spray now push switch on the Lancer evo, was used to drive the counter, after pressing the switch for say 1 second you would enter full anti-lag system, pressing for a futher second will activate launch mode, and pressing for a further second would return you to n mode.

The Time Switch B counter can be used to active the full anti-lag system for a limited period, or trigger the Alt feature just at the start of activating full anti-lag.

The important point here is that these switches allow communication amongst the many features of the system. Perhaps the most flexible is the comparator, it can use any parameter to generate Swt Comparator 24.

Also the new -dTP give the driver of signalling using a sharp throttle lift to trigger the gear change or possibly additional retard to build boost.